Full Version: At what point do we become dirty old men?
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I passed a girls' tennis practice on my way back to the office. I slowed down so I could get a good look at the girls in their short little skirts and tank tops. So so so nice, but I couldn't help but feel skeevy. I don't think I'm too old to check out high school girls, but where exactly is the cut off?
when you are dead
agreed - the day I stop looking is the day I die. Looking at ass and trying to get said ass are two different matters entirely.
Whatever the legal age is.

Some States like Pennsylvania you can marry a girl at 14 with the parents permission of course.
Quote:I passed a girls' tennis practice on my way back to the office. I slowed down so I could get a good look at the girls in their short little skirts and tank tops.
pstpixplzkthx :thumbs-up:
Here's one now...
I wonder if they practice everyday at that time... :10:
Check out the girls lacrosse too. Nothing sweeter then a bunch of sweaty chicks chasing a ball with nothing supporting their hootenannies.