Full Version: ok, so i'm a mod......
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Pages: 1 2
Awww isn't this cute.
Arpi's only good material was his "anti-establishment" stuff. This is a sad day.
Our only hopes are a blatant abuse of his powers.
Warring Jack/Arpi factions like Lord of the Flies would be cool too.
He stole my specs!
Quote:Warring Jack/Arpi factions like Lord of the Flies would be cool too.
No seriously, give me my spectacles back.
it is apparent that the action of modship immediately robs you of any and all original thought.
When will people learn not to egg him on.

Edited By Weird NJ on 1053554167
I declare Jack a fat fuck!
yeah, what the board owner with no control over his board said.
I have more control here.
true. :19:
Lucky for alkey ftl doesn't post here, otherwise he'd tighten the leash.

I guess the princess wasn't silera, it was FTL all this time.
Pages: 1 2