Full Version: What sort of music do you listen to?
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i meant rap and the tearing sheet metal that sleeper likes. dont be difficult
Yeah but you said our entire collections combined, don't get all pissy. You said it, I didn't say it. I listen to classical, jazz & blues, oldies, classic rock, modern rock, and rap. Along with other genres that include bands like radiohead and such.

I listen to show tunes as well so your musical tastes are about as dull as your offline persona.
can someone upload the new tearing sheet metal onto weird's ftp?
speaking of which, when is the new Coheed coming out?
not sure
what the shit is tearing sheet metal?
it's what i listen to. duh.
Coheed > tearing sheet metal
Quote:so your musical tastes are about as dull as your offline persona.
it was impossible to be interesting around you dullards. you people sucked the life out of the room before i even got there.
i hear your comeback line for everything is "OH YEA, WELL I MAKE SIX FIGURES!!!"
i am unemployed so i dont know what you are talking about.
New Coheed October/November

New Thursday August

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