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Timothy McVeigh by someone really wacky and cutting edge
Quote:This guy?

I figured you had a more "John Candy with a beard and funnier material" vibe going on.

That and the whole "still living" thing.

referring to Arpi

ME: John Candy-lite mixed with Michael Chiklis.
Jeff Bridges when he was in Starman
Laura Petrie.


thatz fuckable
sorry had to say it
it was once used on me and i took it as an insult yet i was told it was a compliment
still not sure :21:

Edited By DGW on 1053637929
Tom Cruise in Risky Business.
Quote:Timothy McVeigh by someone really wacky and cutting edge
its timothy mcveigh and opie
Quote:john lennon when my hair was long. now just a random adonis

[Image: 6505R.jpg]
fuckin classic. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
Oh shit! Is that a dagger in Arpi's back?
:4: :4: :4: :4: :4: :4: :4: :4: :4: :4: :4:
that does look like the man I met.
you people need glasses. hedcold is now dead to me
you cant turn down a rose!
Quote:The new mods bestest buddy in the world ,so back the fuck off!

Maybe a status change is in order?
we all know arpi was really like this
[Image: blow.jpg]
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