Full Version: If you could talk to 'god'
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Rape Fantasizer Wrote:I would ask him why they make hot dogs in packages of 12, but the buns come in 8 packs. Doesn't make sense.
Speaking of hot dogs and buns...

Ants in My Pants Wrote:Speaking of hot dogs and buns...

mmmmmmmmmmmm. :fucking:
Rape Fantasizer Wrote:I would ask him why they make hot dogs in packages of 12, but the buns come in 8 packs. Doesn't make sense.
It's a joint venture and it is genius dammit!!!

Here's what I think it's all about.

8 hot dogs, 8 buns ok you're done and that is that.

But 12 hot dogs, 8 buns. Then you have 4 hot dogs left over so you buy 8 more buns. Then you have 4 buns left over so you go buy 8 more hot dogs. Then the cycle repeats itself and you are buying either hot dogs to supply the extra buns or the buns to catch up with the extra hot dogs.

It's genius even though I'm that smart I am astonished myself at the ingenuiety of these damn nazi's like Nathans & Boars Head.

Edited By GonzoStyle on Mar. 02 2002 at 10:57 dogs are disgooosting :crackhead:
virgingrrl dogs are disgooosting :crackhead:
Houston we have a problem!!!
Quote:Houston we have a problem!!!

no, not a problem, i just don't eat meat Smile
virgingrrl Wrote:
Quote:Houston we have a problem!!!

no, not a problem, i just don't eat meat Smile
Dear God:

Make VG want just my meat then.

Yours Truly
This might change all your minds about hot dogs.
Keyser Soze Wrote:This might change all your minds about hot dogs.
hell yeah that changed my mind about hot dogs... Now I wanna fuck that pig, you ass.
GonzoStyle Wrote:Most importantly I'd ask god why men can't ejaculate 2 quarts of semen everytime they cum like warthogs do...(thanks for that piece of info Mrs. Moosen.)

Warthog = Flock Wink
Flock of Moosen Wrote:Warthog = Flock Wink
Quote:Dear God:

Make VG want just my meat then.

Yours Truly

make sure you pray really hard about that one :p
hehe...hard :bouncer:
I would ask, "God, do you really have a nice package?"
I'd have to ask him, "Why couldn't you give me bigger, perkier breasts??"
HA! I found the answer to one of your questions, while I was researching something for work :bouncer:

Quote:Why are there typically 10 hot dogs per pack and eight buns per bag?

Ah, one of the great mysteries of the universe. You would think the makers of these two inherently linked items would collaborate on this. These days, manufacturers are starting to offer different quantities of hot dogs per pack and bakers are breaking out of the eight-to-the-pack mold and offering 10 and even 12 packs of buns. However, this is the exception to the rule.

When hot dog buns were introduced, hot dogs were sold in varying quantities at the butcher shop. Not until 1940 were hot dogs packaged the way we currently see them in the grocery store. When manufacturers began packaging hot dogs, they chose the 10 to the pack formula. Today hot dogs are sold most often in eight or ten to the pound packs, but some are sold other quantities as well.

Sandwich rolls, or hot dog buns, most often come eight to the pack because the buns are baked in clusters of four in pans designed to hold eight rolls. While baking pans now come in configurations that allow baking 10 and even 12 at a time, the eight roll pan remains the most popular.

However, to save you from the bread aisle arithmetic anxiety, you need to purchase five bags of eight-to-the-pack buns and four 10-to-the-pack hot dogs to break even.
That's the explanation 'they' want you to believe, I know the truth man.
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