Full Version: Where have I lost hope?
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Pages: 1 2
jesus was an influential jew, so that should help
Quote:For what it's worth Jesus loves you.
yeah... but it's everyone else that thinks he's an Asshole :10:
but who's the Asshole?

jesus or galt?
they both are.
I like Galt more though, if there was a crucifix with galts almost naked body on it, I would switch.
I know Alkey already posted this....but I just wanna remind Galt

Quote:also realize that your problems are tiny compared to everyone else's and moreso, no one gives a shit about your problems, nor wants to be dragged down by hearing about them, pussy.

nice huh?
shouldn't you be crying into your pillow instead of mucking up my thread?
you should upgrade your thread. this Economy Class Thread sucks.
Quote:shouldn't you be crying into your pillow instead of mucking up my thread?

I thought you would like to take your own advice...thats all
Pages: 1 2