Full Version: Check this out - Jacks trying to get laid
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This out

Jacks created the other board ( the one I am banned from ) to get Freaky with the Snake Skin Babe
[Image: 3-picture1.jpg]

She is a Beauty
Tell us again about that time you were oppressed.
i don't get it
i'm eating a chicken finger and it looks like a bent penis and ball
[Image: 2-picture3.jpg]

Heres another one of Jacks Groupies
i still don't get it
[Image: 7-picture1.jpg]

Jacks most recent picture
is this because the new doors are on kilbourne tonight?
How do you know that??

Are you one of them???
i have very few tv channels
[Image: 2-picture3.jpg]

If you don't post a picture, I will assume this is you
assume whatever you want. but really the worst of it is that i was watching kilbourne. now look what you went and did.
I sure hope none of those pleasant old men broke a hip or anything
i saw the new doors at roseland, i was pleasently surprised how good they were but Ian was trying too hard to do his Morrison imitation between songs. if he would have just sang and been himself he would have pulled off a coup.

oh and those doors fans are horrendous looking.
jack couldnt get laid with a fistfull of fifties in a whorehouse.
Jack who and why should we care?