Full Version: interleague blows!!
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the yanks play the reds and the cubs while the bosox play pitt and milwaukee. horseshit!!
steinbrenner said the same thing. milwaukee should not even be a major league team anymore. It is a Selig conspiracy against the Yankees. Yankees play Milwaukee next year.
the red sox fold every september
Well the Yankees have gotten to play two series against the atrocious Mets since Interleague has started while the Red Sox always play two series against the perenial division champs, Atlanta. Keep whining.
And yes, I'm sure that Selig doesn't want the Yankees to make the playoffs. I'm sure that the massive ratings and revenues from the biggest market being in the playoffs is a turnoff for baseball.

Actually, the subway series was one of the lowest rated in history.
Because it was only NYC. There was no other city who cared.
And this is good for baseball?
its good for baseball when ONE nyc team is in the world series , is what he was saying :thumbs-up:
well we all know theres only one NYC team that matters anyway, the Manhattan Jaspers baby!
that was god awful
i bet you'd rock their throwback
i dont wear throwbacks
I actually enjoy it. I think there's always a good chance for some of that rivalry. Texas/Houston St Louis/KC or CWS. Etc...