Full Version: Does it get any gayer than this?
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what? oh, right - s'ok Trish :thumbs-up:
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well aren't you special?
I was at the time.'re always special to me, pookie :loveya:
Awwwww, thanks pal. But we have to find new pet names for each other. That one's reserved.
Hmmmmm... Gonzo uses that too sometimes. Or at least a derivation of it.

Try again.
hunny bunny???
Perfect! :loveya:
whew - I was running out of options!
Let's just get one thing clear though. You're the Amanda Plummer to my Tim Roth, K?
well, ok - but I'd make a much better Tim Roth.
Ha ha. Too late!

I called dibs.
yes you did, Hunny Bunny :loveya:
We should move this thread to Arpi's Gay forum.
I should edit the title from better to gayer.
You're so smart, hunny bunny.
if I did that, it would seem as though I were calling Sleeper and Arpi gay - Arpi wouldn't mind I don't think, but you know how Sleeper can get at times :crackhead:
fuck it - gayer it is! :banana:
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