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:23: Aside from calling your ex-wife who was blowing me as I was reading it, I don't know what to say to convince you that I grasped it.
tell me what the book was about. what was ellis' point?
thats what i thought. thank you.
Unlike how I can make you dance at my beck and call and have you describe "Fresh", you have no power over me.

Here. Decipher this:

Mucho es lo que se ha dicho de American Psycho. Y lo cierto es que habia razon para tanta polemica, pues esta novela de Bret Easton Ellis es una de las criticas mas feroces que un escritor norteamericano ha hecho a su propio pais y a una sociedad autocomplaciente y orgullosa de si misma. Para su denuncia, el autor ha escogido un camino arriesgado: Patrick Bateman, el protagonista de American Psycho, no es un rebelde ni un paria; al contrario, se mueve por las calles de Nueva York como cualquier joven de exito y, sin embargo, es capaz de violar, torturar y asesinar. Patrick comete crimenes y se va de copas con la misma soltura, y eso, mas que la crudeza de los hechos, es lo que nos llena de desasosiego.Como muy bien ha dicho Fay Weldon, American Psycho es el oscuro complemento de La hoguera de las vanidades, por que descubre aquellos puntos negros de los supuestos triunfadores que la novela de Tom Wolfe quiso obviar.
1. you cut and pasted that
2. it is easy to get a spanish to english translation translator
2. it doesnt tell me what you think the book is about.
tell me what you think the book is about. you wont because you dont know. you simply read its surface and concluded that the book was about a psycho killer.
You can't judge me. I know what the book was about and like Fight Club, it was more than what the surface showed.
i did judge you and you came up wanting. you dont know what the book was about. you can read but have no reading comprehension. you are unable to see below the surface of the material.
yes Mr. I build sets has more reading comprehension than I do.
1. i dont build sets
2. your attack is laughable. my job has a coorelation to my reading skills? an obvious attack from a person who has no ammunition.
It's about the 80s :5:
he had very nice bone colored business cards
I wish I still had my AP sig, that was cool :36:
Quote:It's about the 80s
in a very very very general sense, yes.
It was all a marketing ploy to get people to listen to Huey Lewis.
It was a black comedy that most people didn't get because they are dull and boring and thought it was a slasher movie and couldn't fully appreciate it.
Quote:It was a black comedy that most people didn't get because they are dull and boring and thought it was a slasher movie and couldn't fully appreciate it.
actually you are wrong. it was meant to be a scathing indictment of consumerism and vanity in the '80s. thank you, try again.
The book, yes, the movie, no.
Quote:actually you are wrong. it was meant to be a scathing indictment of consumerism and vanity in the '80s. thank you, try again.

The excess of the 80's?

noooooooooooooo.... you don't say?

What's next some ridiculous accusation that reagan really wasn't a great president and dragged this country through the mud. Yet had them begging for seconds cause he spoke well and made people feel comfortable cause he was the guy from "Bedtime for Bonzo".
Quote:What's next some ridiculous accusation that reagan really wasn't a great president and dragged this country through the mud. Yet had them begging for seconds cause he spoke well.
thats true too.
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