Full Version: who wants to visit me at my apartment?
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I didn't wanna say that sleepers a scared little bitch who is afraid of the dark but my hand was forced.
I have had a laptop for several years now
i wish you would force your hand more often
You wouldn't like that arpi, you wouldn't like me when I am angry...
i wouldnt like gonzo angry down your pants? now i am really confused. where is the head scratching smilie when you need it?
So anyway, when are we having a little party/orgy at sleepers?
when he gets the internet...
why would I wanna go to someone elses house to use the internet, what am I maynard?
like you could ever grow a sexy squirrel. pfft!
Oh look who wakes up when maynards name is mentioned.
i hate you
when do we hear how sluggo banned you cause maynard cried to him about your homosexual advances?
is that true? I thought that was all rumor!!!
sleeper is in his schools computer lab
Isn't this how Jeffery Dahmer got started?
If Sleepy keeps growin the beard...Theodore Kaczynski
Quote:sleeper is in his schools computer lab
that's silly, i am at work right now
This was all my idea.

Please mention that.
what was?
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