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I'm a hack player without any extensive training or a healthy practice regimine. However, I'm always looking for something interesting and challenging to play however far and few between I may come across something that appeals to me. For a while now I've been messing with Chet Atkin's Vincent which is a cool and somewhat challenging tune that is tabbed out very clearly and easy to follow.

What tabs have you found online that are really well done plus fun and/or challenging to play?

Oh and another is Moonlight Sonata. Some tough shit in parts of this one for me at least.
I understood totally what you meant by the post.

Ben Harper-The power of the gospel
not just because theyre one of my favorite bands, but cky has some fun songs to play...cky tabs

p.s. mostly faster melodic stuff...not much power chords. its good shit

Edited By QuickStop on 1058334955
OLGA is a great resource.
tab robot is better than olga.
if you are playing an coustic, neil young stuff is great and easy