Full Version: First to be let out?
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Place your bets
Not me. I'm guessing I'll be here for life.
i actually like you zootybang , so your odds are pretty good. you or sleeper. the rest can burn forever! :burnfucker:
Sleeper will be let out once you realize that you aren't funny unless Sleeper is there to make fun of you
Wow, If that Isn't a revalation. I was sure the whole "Cross-grain neck" thing woulda sank me.
:-( arpi doesnt' like me.
Dont feel so bad. I dont like you either.
actually , i forgot i put you here CLS. you i will let out too.
thats cool. i don't like you much myself.
Dont front, you know I'm way high on your "Coolest kid" list. :5:
aw! cls, i thought we were pals. good to know.
the I don't like you was meant for zooty

I was just hurt by my absence from your people you like list :thumbs-up:
I'm gonna go play some Battlefield 1942: Desert combat In the day room. I hope I dont get shanked on the way. LAter.
CLS, i will let you out first if you change your avatar to a Duke one for 1 week.
He does that and I'll kill him
I've been looking at duke law school :-( :-(
do it and you are free.
I once saw a movie with John "Duke" Wayne. Can I get out now?
nah, i fear the wrath of gomez too much.

and the fact that duke sucks.
1. gomez is a fat loser who does nothing but whine all day. he carries no weight other than his own troublesome girth.
2.Duke rules!!!!!
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