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some of the casts have had some awful looking people
Quote:None of us fit the bill, except for maybe lazerus, he can be the token.

ya, but he'd get kicked out for something stupid like david in LA
He'd get kicked off the second he makes a kike joke.
I think it's funny that the first fat man they put on one of their shows is Road Rules and not Real World

Then on top of that they give them the smallest RV in the history of the show
He's gonna get his ass beat so bad.
ahhhhhh. the real world miami. my personal favorite

real world miami
God all these repeats, I never know when to watch.

New one tonight, I think. :18:

This one guy named Chris gets into a huge fight with two of the girls in the house. Gets hammered. Then when one of the girls gets two huge bouquets of tulips on Valentine's Day from "Chris," he assumes he sent them when he was drunk to apologize. The girl gets an e-mail a couple days later from her friend Chris asking how she liked his flowers.
I saw that.

Fuckin road rules pissed me off. That chocolate faced fuckin mammy doll lookin fuck Donell was riding that poor kid. He fuckin pushed him till he fuckin lost it. So it's ok for him to make gay jokes, question his sexuality, call him a redneck and hick. But the moment he makes a cornbread comment it's a fuckin crime against humanity. The amount of drama in that episode makes all these boards look like fuckin camp nicey nice. Then the kid gets kicked off the show and fuckin uncle jemima gets to stay and talk trash about him after he is gone already.

Plus what really pissed me off, he got his ass beat and then ran away like a girl. Then started talkin trash after the fact, how he woulda ended him. Punk.
remember when MTV played music videos 24/7? good times :thumbs-up:
No, grandpa. Rolleyes
In my day, we didn't have a high-tech remote control to use to change the channel - we had to actually get up off the couch and turn the channel dial - and we only had 6 channels to choose from! (7 if you count the one UHF channel that came in on a sunny day - it was in Spanish, but it was still entertaining).
In my day, we had my sister get off her ass and change the channel for us.
goatweed Wrote:remember when MTV played music videos 24/7? good times :thumbs-up:

Leave my real world and road rules alone

oh yeah and making the band is on tonight, I can't wait to see fred beat the shit out of ness tonight.
MTV2 plays Audioslave every 10 minutes - weekends are good though - so is VH1 Classics.

Speaking of making the band, I catually watched a part of it the other night, Puffy had them go to buy cheesecake at night in brooklyn, and they had to walk....they dropped one, had to buy another one, it took forever...they come back and he's not even there. I gotta admit, that was pretty fuckin' funny, especially hearing them whine about it the whole time :lol:
dammit i need TIVO, i havent seen Real World since Boston
watch tonights makin the band, its gonna explode.
i heard the girl with the big boobs posed in playboy already
this true?
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