Full Version: Anyone know a good dentist? - I think i need a cleaning
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[Image: tcptd003.jpg]
Your job doesnt give dental ? My job doesnt as well.[Image: toothdecay5.jpg]
How the fuck do flies breed in someone's mouth?
WhipThisFez Wrote:How the fuck do flies breed in someone's mouth?
Just ask Grumpy's mom.
Ewwwwwwwww. That's nasty.
You should have known better, Luna.
Sluggo Wrote:You should have known better, Luna.
Yeah...I know. Nothing grosses me out worse than "yuck-mouth".
LunaBabe Wrote:
Sluggo Wrote:You should have known better, Luna.
Yeah...I know. Nothing grosses me out worse than "yuck-mouth".
Ohhhh really Luna.

How bout this??

[Image: js3.jpg]
Yeah...but...I need that little discription thingy...I need to know more. :clueless:
A description?! I have no clue what that is. However I do know it tastes pretty good spreaded on some Ritz crackers.