Full Version: What do you do to fall asleep?
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when i cant fall i asleep i lie there and think about rf masturbating
I have always watched TV to go to sleep.But latley the only thing that works is watching a movie I have already seen. So , i can lay there and hear the noise in the bg, and not have to concentrate on the movie because I know whats going to happen.
I read all your stupid posts maynard. Usually after the first game thread I'm fast asleep
i just think myself in to a tizzy, then eventually pass out
I have a hard time believing only three of you fuckers masturbate to fall asleep.
hey i haven't masturbated in like a week and you know my sleeping habits. OK, I hsould start
I have Zen stroke my hair till i fall asleep.
Quote:hey i haven't masturbated in like a week
Recanting this statement
Thanks for keeping us current, Ikea.
well it just happened, I didn't force it or nothing. And welcome to the board AF
Thanks. Still getting used to this place
i didnt think this post was still alive
Quote:i didnt think this post was still alive
It wasn't...
Because it was just another one of Maynard's pitiful attempts at acceptance.
Sluggo Wrote:
Quote:i didnt think this post was still alive
It wasn't...
Because it was just another one of Maynard's pitiful attempts at acceptance.
ohh i seee
:bouncer: :bouncer: :bouncer: :bouncer: :bouncer:
Rodney (Dangerfield, that is, not FN Moron) said it best... "I don't know how to sleep, I just know how to pass out."
IkeaBoy Wrote:well it just happened, I didn't force it or nothing.
[tog]So what's the name of the guy you were thinking about[/tog]
Faceman Wrote:
Quote:well it just happened, I didn't force it or nothing.
[tog]So what's the name of the guy you were thinking about[/tog]
It was probably Faceman.
Maynard Wrote:
Quote:well it just happened, I didn't force it or nothing.
[tog]So what's the name of the guy you were thinking about[/tog]
It was probably Faceman.
Well thats because Im just better looking than you dickhead. There's nothing worse than a pissed off ugly faggit like yourself maynard
Quote:Just lay there 6 [31.58%]

Yeah, right.
Faceman Wrote:
Quote:well it just happened, I didn't force it or nothing.
[tog]So what's the name of the guy you were thinking about[/tog]
It was probably Faceman.
Well thats because Im just better looking than you dickhead. There's nothing worse than a pissed off ugly faggit like yourself maynard
It's really a shame that you're such a bitter little man.
You don't have to be so jealous of me all the time. It's really not becoming of you.
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