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I usually refrain from posting about the market since I'm int he process of getting licensed and I can't legally give advice until I pass the test but an article just crossed my desk that I thought may be of interest.

A lot of investors will NOT be eligible for Bush's dividend tax cut if they have margin accounts. In the past brokerage firms didn't distinguish between dividends and payments received in lieu of dividends on tax forms. A lot of investors aren't even aware of the difference but the latter will be charged at the old, higher tax rate. What sucks even more is that it's retroactive and you'll be taxed at that rate as of Jan 1, '03.

Hope that makes sense. If you're not sure if you have a margin acct you should find out, and if you do look into switching into an accoutn that it not affected by stock lending.
I don't have a margin account - I don't like to borrow what I can potentially lose and not be able to pay back.
Suzie, you know Sanford and Bernstein?

I have an interview there selling research to institutional investors. God I want that job.
i think thats the company that handles all of my families stocks and such!!! :thumbs-up:
We have a few accounts there but unfortunately not so many that I'd have a steady contact who I could ask to help you with a recommendation.
Whackbag is a fibber. Berstein doesn't manage money.

Suzie, I just know nothing about the company and was curious what their reputation is. The more I read about institutional selling, the more I like it.
what do they do, because we sure do get a lot of envelopes from them
Whackbag's family is REALLY rich
they actually do manage private and institutional investors. happen to have an UTMA acct statement on my desk right now, as well as their March report, were they seem to have performed at an average level. don't know much else, if you remind me on Friday I'll have time to look into into more.

btw, don't botch the name on the interview!!! IT'S Sanford C. Bernstein and Co.
:21: ha! take that mr. boston
Minimum investment for private clients = $400,000.

Who wants some of that whackbag family estate? Ladies, step up!
admit you were defeated!!!
I was wrong. I wouldn't be working in the personal investment side. It's all institutional investing to mutual funds. Bernstein's big thing is that they don't have an investment banking side or IPOs so unlike many of the other houses they don't have conflict of interests.

But that still doesn't change the fact that daddy whack is loaded wiggity style.
so uh, you like older women, right?
The statement on my desk is "only" for $100K. Maybe they have lower reqs for UTMA accts?
brotha, can yah spare a dime?
SOHU 27.00

Hope he punched out at the right time.
After today, the stock market only has to go up another 256% for me to break even from my investments!!
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