Full Version: bitches and the games they play - .......
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Oooh you are mean, so mean!!!
it was invisible before. but now it's back.
Yeah that happens sometimes, it's a weird little bug.

My names not jewish though, fuckin bastard.
Quote:Psycho explaining that itz the other woman playing the games

not her
and people say dgw's not funny

Yeah but she said it...
ok allow me to reword:

and who says dgw doesn't make funny posts...


So who got "suckered" into goin to her place? I'd love to know.
i'm a little curious myself
me Undecided
You were livin it up in brooklyn and never called me.
pb said she was doing a photo shoot, i had to stop by
that bitch is fugly
this is what i get for peeing on a church?
I WITNESSED THAT! :1: :1: :39:

He seems to remember it fondly.
I bet you tried to squeeze between DGW and the wall.
believe me there wasn't much room between the wall and myself
and slim would have had even less of a chance
at the time there would have been over 350 lbs plus a nub stinking out...he would have been part of the church wall.
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