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I claim Tricia's former mod spot for myself
I like gomez as much as I like mad, I like oranges too.
I wasn't funny to begin with, so it's not like you would be losing any hilarity
Hi. What happened?
Gomez is like clam chowder, either you really like it or really hate it. He's that got a creamy texture to him as well.

I think i'll just give trish her powers back.
Danked like sleeper is chicken soup, beloved by everyone, reliable, timeless and goes with everything.

I wish I noticed him on when he was really funny.
I like clam chowder, now who will win the coveted "he/she is like french onion soup"? Cause we all know french onion is the best soup in the world.
French Onion Soup with the Jack Daniels ribs

Best thing to get at TGIF
:loveya: :bouncer: [Image: remybussi.gif]
I think doesn't = I will

I think we need to get to the bottom of this soup deal.
Why the fuck can't I be french onion soup?
It's a huge step...
I shall win your hearts again, my friends...

you'll say it was the best bowl of french onion soup you've ever had.
methinks gonzo is hungry
I wasn't till you mentioned it, a fine crock of french onion would be good though.