Full Version: In this thread - I compare you all to soup.
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No, trust me, it's bad

I think Gonzo put it like this. Sure, it looks pretty, but no matter what it winds up tasting like shit and leaves you unsatisifed
it's like my favorite though - how about Lobster Bisque? That's good, isn't it?
Baker could be Cream of SumYungGuy
Baker's an empty bowl.
<---- potatoe soup w/ bacon bits
Duck Soup
Quote:zootybang could be miso soup, since she is the geisha girl.. but she has to go around saying "miso horna".
I'm not a she, but I am small and pretty.
I wanna be sirloin burger soup. That shit kicks ass, just like me.

Edited By Zootybang on 1056160165
Pages: 1 2