Full Version: so Shari.........
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Quote:does your vagina squirt when you are extra happy?

never. I do get VERY wet though.
not wet enough.

We used to put a towel under my girlfriend or else we would need to change the sheets.

I'm talking a puddle over a foot accross. No more though.

There isn't a girl in the world who is now getting fucked as much or as good by as many guys as my ex is, every night in my head.
file that in the same place as your plans to bang me when you're visiting. In fact, why wait till you come to NYC?
she's saying keep using your imagination.
who slept in the wet spot? ewwwwww :crackhead:
nobody. That's why we always used a towel, and/or did the sex elsewhere besides the bed.

It was easily the hottest thing I've ever been a part of. The feeling of her squirting..... Whooooooo-eee! Every woman should learn it
you can't learn it. some women squirt, some don't. it's biology, not practice.
you're just lazy.
perhaps a hose can be surgically implanted.
or one of those super-soaker guns.
just face the facts
she pee'd on you
what a fuckin freak!

It's not pee. It's not the color or smell of pee. It's totally different.
its a special fat girl gravy
:crackhead: there went my appetite
but even when I was a fat girl I was not capable. SOmeone who's not as busy as me do some internet reseacrh, I'm pretty sure not every girl can do it.
i know itz not pee
my long time ex g/f did it
it did make for a weird sensation
and there was never any chaffing
she broke a fat vessel and was oozing grease.
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