Full Version: So I bring this girl home from the bar - in my forum I might as well divulge
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no, blondes and i resent your insinuation.
i hear the girls also worked for a record company and offered you a multi-million dollar contract to record the worlds greatest cover band album, but you turned it down cause you wanted to "keep it real".
can't you guys pick on Keyser somewhere else?
Anyplace is a good place to make fun of Cranky. Leave us bi-ourselves. :banana:
actually that entire last statement of apri's was patently untrue and i've never claimed as such.
its just about as true as the claims you make about your sex life
"oh it ain't no lie, bi-bi-bi!"
Arpi and Keyser should have a competition to bang chicks like Sam and Woody did on Cheers
are you saying Arpi's wearing a hairpiece?
it was sam and henri. jeez!
Sorry. I was a child when that episode was on.
Sam & Henri?

so, Keyser's French? This explains A LOT
Henri? I'm more like Woody, handsome, a bit of a doofus, and told outrageous yet true stories nobody ever seemed to believe.
woody never lied about his sex life
or was gay
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