Full Version: My morning thus far - random thoughts
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I haven't yet worked in fantasy sports or my ability to make women squirt. I needed to save some sizzle for the third interview.

I'll definately bring up those things to the psychologist. That and my strong belief that I could kill someone and get away with it.
"would you like fries with that"
I would mention that you singlehandedly took down, thats a major feather in your cap. Employers are looking for people who are good with message boards.
do you at least get to keep the uniform?
Quote:my ability to make women squirt.
when they find out that your women come pre-filled with gravy it wont seem like such a special skill.
Oh, DIG's on this interview?
Suzie Wrote:I am slightly hungover and just noticed that for the last hour and a half my watch was on upside down.

A troupe of girl scouts got onto my subway car this morning, several of who were overweight. I just kept whispering to myself "too young, too young."

This day may take forever.
i really hope you're kidding :disappointed:

i mean...were you having impure thoughts about the cute ones? :crackhead:

or the pudgey ones?
what....a 16 year-old girl isn't sexy? Come on, man. :26:
girl scouts at 16? doubtful ... more like age 12
they were hispanic, so they are still sexually active.
Hispanic? At 16? They're less than five years away from grandparenthood.
Gooch Wrote:they were hispanic, so they are <s>still </s> alreadysexually active.
ok.....then it makes perfect sense.

in fact i'm sure a few of them already had kids of their own

Edited By LZMF1 on 1056740124
Quote:I would mention that you singlehandedly took down
point me to the thread in the YMB archives that shows you did squat.
it wasn't a single thread, my contribution was subtle yet chaotic.
Quote:and will go straight to the 3rd interview in two weeks where I present Bernstein Research to my (potential) colleagues. If that goes well, I go to a psychologist for tests to make sure I'm not insane. If that goes well: employment.
you have to see a shrink to get a job????? my job looks better and better every day.
Yeah, everyday except PAYDAY!
oh boy that was witty, :23:
Quote:Yeah, everyday except PAYDAY!
every day is pay day, in cash...
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