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I have a decent set of brushes here at work, but I used what they had at the house to paint. Whoever was painting in the morning didn't even clean the brushes well enough, so I basically had to use the small roller to do all the edges.
I used to have a lot of fun picking up spiders and dropping them in the paint bucket and watch them struggle their way into getting sucked further and further into the paint.

Good times.
I like to cover myself with extra paint so it looks like I'm working harder than I actually am.
yeah. I always somehow got paint on my forearms.

And of course, for four months straight during the entire summer, here was never a day when I didn't have paint on my fingernails.
hahhhaaa... Galt paints his fingernails.... :rofl: ...fag!!!!!
but that wuz just a bit to easy :17:
it actually helps him wave his fingers and hypnotize his potential dates from the food troughs. :39:
FNMoron Wrote:hahhhaaa... Galt paints his fingernails.... :rofl: ...fag!!!!!
if you want, i could help you with painting your nails.. with my paintball marker.
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