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Can someone please clarify Seph's definition of the Predator for me? Is this an animal or monster type human thing?

If we're talking animal predator such as: grizzly bear, wolf, big cat etc..etc... I vote for the predator, but then again, humans always win (even tho they are a disfunctional species).
Arthur Dent Wrote:Predator
Ahh...ok. Thanks for clearing that up for me. I knew I was missing something.
Hmmm...third title on that list is "Sexual Predator"...Luna, comment?
Quote:Who would win in a fight


[Image: oneal7.jpg]

Edited By GonzoStyle on Mar. 05 2002 at 11:03
Intervention??? INTERVENTION????
What's wrong with liking cartoons and sci-fi? I allready KNOW I'm a geek, so I might as well live up to it.

And Dent is correct, Aliens take on the characteristics of the hosts they breed from, and they are a bio engineered species (the thing in the ship in the first movie was a member of the species that created the Aliens, they would wipe out EVERYTHING)

However, Predators prepare based on the nature of the hunt, if, say, Earth became infested and a gigantic super queen nested somewhere beneath the surface, the Predators WOULD use a weapon of mass destruction to clear the surface, then move a squad of hunters in to track down the queen.

And we haven't even STARTED discussing human Berserker Teams, super elite, super secret squads of human warriors whose sole purpose is to infitrate a nest, deposit a berserker, and fall back before the carnage starts. Berserkers are the shattered remains of a human, wired into a highly armored, small nuclear payload carrying, acid resitant body armor, which constantly pumps them full of various drugs and stimulants once activated (including Alien Royal jelly, perhaps the most powerful drug in this fictional future univers).. by the time the berserker is done, the suit is trash, but there aren't any, I repeat ANY Aliens left alive.
Am I the only one who can't stop thinking about the Olaf from Clerks now?

<center>My love for you is ticking clock
Would you like to suck my cock
<center>My cock is being hard as rock
Would you like to making fuck
Quote:And we haven't even STARTED discussing human Berserker Teams
Quote:Am I the only one who can't stop thinking about the Olaf from Clerks now?

Nah, I was thinking Mags is locked in his basement too often playing DnD :roflmao:
but now you have that song in my head...
Making fuck? :lol:
Quote:Making fuck?

Is that an offer? :fucking:

At least Magoo doesn't play EverCrack...right?
Not lately, no... Diablo 2 is my online game of choice at the moment

heh heh.. making Fuck
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