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Remember that time people complained about the board and how it was dying for the 2534673826335736th time? Then the ever popular "there's not enough serious discussions here" coming from people who pop blood vessels trying to answer the questions on "teen jeopardy week".
Like it was yesterday...
I tell ya those were great times, remember the golden age of the board back in 2001? Let's never leave it, we can live in a time when the towers still stood and pics of froys cock weren't backgrounds on everyones computers cause they were great times.

You know why?

well I will tell you why.....

Umm because back then ummm...

well we...

You know I had really good times in the years 1996-1998 lets go back there too.
I'm gonna' recreate Sleeper's apartment in my bathroom so I'll never feel like I left.
Recreate shelle's body as well and put it on your bed, cause for anyone who can face reality thats about how much fun the board was in 2001.
Wish I could recreate my baby... :clueless:
Remember when my status also didn't have Fartballs or fantasy sports king in it? That was pretty good too.
Galt Wrote:Remember when my status also didn't have Fartballs or fantasy sports king in it? That was pretty good too.
picky, picky.
IrishAlkey Wrote:Wish I could recreate my baby... :clueless:
I'm sure that would make a great MS Paint contest,
Week 5 contest?
It's too interesting and too much fun, arpi can't have that.

I'll let FTL steal it.
I haven't seen him post in ages. What the fuck is he going to do with it?
Quote:I haven't seen him post in ages. What the fuck is he going to do with it?

I'll tell you when you come to NYC and actually accept my invitation to hang out you fuck.
I'll be there Monday. Course, it's only for the day, and I have an interview and then I'm back to Boston, and then to the Cape, and then to Montreal and then after that maybe I'll know if I have the job and then I'll be living out of a suitcase for a month until I get an actual place and that won't be until September probably but what I really want to do is buy one of the condos in the new AOL buildings, but they cost about $1.8 million more than I have right now ($0) so I'll just have to rent for a while until I can manage to scrape together a couple million of course by that time, they'll cost way more than that cuz that's gonna be a totally sweet place to live but I'm probably going to live on 38th and 1st which is too far away from everything I want to live in midtown which is where my office would be if I get this job god willing.
I just wanted to hang out Undecided
I'll hang out with you :bouncer: :11:
Galt Wrote:Remember when mine said "I make women cry during sex."? Man, that was a good one.

That one, and "I'd rather be drinking Hybrid's urine" were classics. Although the Hybrid's urine thing was only there for like a day.
i must have missed that
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