Full Version: Downloading Music - am I really going to be Fined?
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If you're really concerned, you can check to see if the RIAA is investigating you for evil filesharing.

I'm safe :thumbs-up:
i find it funny that people actually set up a user name on kazaa
me too - some people are just morons I guess.
i find it funny that people still use kazaa
how's Soulseek doing?
they have porn too
pr0n is easy to find, you dont need Kazaa for that.
Quote:why did you start that off by saying actually?

i was responding to galt's comment where he stated that nobody will ever be fined for downloading music.
It won't hold up in court. There is no way that the RIAA can win this on legal merits when people are sharing their files and not benefitting financially from it.
but, the riaa has a shitload of money, and the people they're sueing don't
they can't afford to go through all the legal stuff
they've already settled out of court, so either the defendants were chickenshit or they felt the charges would have held up in court.
The new combat to illegally downloading music is a ploy by the record companies to flood the download site with popular songs and put periodic beeping ir scratching noises in them.

It usually strats in the middle of the song to waste more of your time and frustrate you into giving up d'ling that tune.
It's working.
Those mother fuckers.
the new combat? they've been doing that for a long time
yeah, thats old news dood.
I downloaded Soulseek because I read on another message board that I can find the show I'm looking for from a bunch of users there. At the moment, one copy of the show has been "Remotely Queued" and another "Awaiting User" for almost 24 hours. Also over the course of the night, somebody is trying to download stuff from my shared folder there and those are also "Remotely Queued." Why haven't the transfers intiated yet? I can't even force the transfer for the person that wants to download from me.
Try earth station five. they dont register IP's.
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