Full Version: can I get a list or something?
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the paxil-popping might be throwing him off.
you dont know. thats why you wont say who it is.
Oh, I know exactly who it is

Look at Sleeper's status for answers
It's Paxil Poppin Chub Chub.

Quote:you are one banning away from being FTL

Sure I am, cause I changed your name.
Quote:Sure I am, cause I changed your name.
thats not why i said that and you know it.
I didn't make you a mod cause I wanna fuck you, so I don't get it.
LyricalGomez Wrote:Oh, I know exactly who it is

Look at Sleeper's status for answers
his status is no help and i still dont think you know it. i am almost positive you dont know it.
patty cake, patty cake...
It helps immensely, if only your giant brain could remember whose name used to be there.

Just go back to the wacky thread and look it up
Zippy Aidsface knows it, he's just being silly.
GonzoStyle Wrote:I didn't make you a mod cause I wanna fuck you, so I don't get it.
you get it.
I don't Undecided
i still dont know who paxil poppin..... is.

as to you gonzo, i was referring to his peurile abuses of power
I really hope you are kidding about not knowing at this point
then who is it smarty pants? you cant answer cause you dont know.
He's a brother of someone and likes weed
I hope he's kidding on both accounts.
Zippy Aidsface. He's fat. How many fat people are there here? Narrow it down.
Remembering that you already know the names Gonzo and I have
can i get one?
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