Full Version: Jack and Baker Apprehended In NJ - ...sorta
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Pages: 1 2
you still missed it :21:
Yes, because I have no interest in watching the staged cavorting of men in tights.
some of the tights are pretty stylish, though.
K. :23:
ok, so how do I get off the list?
Eliminate someone else on the list for me.
well who else is on the list?
You'll have to take your chances and maybe you'll get lucky.
i had to dig through my closet to find this i havent used it in so long:

this thread sucks!
your face sucks.

Edited By Galt on 1057683942
You keep some weird stuff in your closet.
That stuttering nitwit could fuck up a nigger picnic.
Pages: 1 2