Full Version: Uh Oh's - my laptop & the problem....
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... did you try running it in safe mode yet, or maybe doing a system restore, or using a boot disk?
Ah, to hell with safe mode. Just boot it up normally. It works better that way anyhow. Sheesh, I can't believe none of you so-called computer geeks knew that!
compusa wants me to bring in my copy of windows, so that they can try and install windows over the windows and grab some of the files.

something i have already tried doing, but oh well hopefully, most likely they are smarter than i am and can do some good with this...
Hvae they tried selling you a new one yet?
buy an e-machine :rofl:

Edited By goatweed on 1057956279
no they havent but i hope they do
doesnt matter, compusa called and they fixed it
just give me credit dammit.
Believe it or not, the Emachines that are out today, actually are respectable machines...

For every 4-5 Compaq, HP, and Sony Computer that comes back for repair/exchange, 1 Emachine comes back.
comp usa schill!
if you had given your scuzzi a blue-wash this would had never happened in the first place. :thumbs-up:
Well, my old laptop crashed and burned. I am happy to say that it was worth every penny for the three year extended warranty from DELL.

They replaced my old Inspiron 8000 PIII 600 mhz with a new Inspiron 8500 P4 2.0 GHZ and a bunch of other good shit.
You should be beaten about the face and neck with an old smelly shoe for taking your computer to CompUSA for repair.
I work at CompUSA :16:
Quote:For every 4-5 Compaq, HP, and Sony Computer that comes back for repair/exchange, 1 Emachine comes back.

did you maybe think that its possible that 4-5 times as many people buy HP, Compaq, and Sony computers?
why should i be beaten for taking it to them.

they fixed it....for free.
Oh, I am guilty of assuming you were paying them to service it. If it's free, it's still lame, but not stupid. Sorry.
yes because i am worried about the tech people at compusa making a judgement on my personal life.

the closest half of them got to getting pussy that week was probably smelling my keyboard.
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