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go to google, type in 'weapons of mass destruction' and click on 'Im feeling lucky'. Then do the same for french military victories.
That Is SOOO yesterday.
i knew about it 2 days ago :21:
you are both so cool
That Is the sweetest thing anyone has ever said to me! Thank you so much.
i meant both of sleepers personalities. you, on the other hand, are a douchebag.
Touche', my friend. I have been wounded by the master.
It's a pain that lingers.
just like cologne on your balls. ouchy!
The circle is complete!
Arpikarhu Wrote:i meant both of sleepers personalities. you, on the other hand, are a douchebag.
but i miss the old sleeper :36:
who doesnt!
as cher once sang "if i could turn back time, if i could find a way... :33: "
The french one was pretty amusing, I didnt know that one. I knew the other one though.

Then again lately I find that I am always the last to know :29:
i didn't know either of them, although i guess that doesn't really make you feel any better. i liked the list of french defeats though, that was pretty funny