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The Sleeper Wrote:Me--> :punch: <--Gonzo.
[Image: dots_crackhead.bmp]

Edited By GonzoStyle on Mar. 05 2002 at 11:44
The Sleeper Wrote:
Sephiroth Wrote:ICQ is Infinetly better than AIM. The only reason I rarely log onto my ICQ account now is because everyone I talk to uses AIM.
I don't see how one instant messenger can be infinitely better than another one. I mean, there isn't much to differentiate. I just know that ICQ requires memorizing a whole bunch of random numbers, and noone I know uses it.
Yes, it does require a little more thought to use it and get it going...BUT, I don't have to listen to slamming/opening doors all day. My pc doesn't stutter when I am chatting with a few people, you can still send files and for the extremely lazy (like myself) you can set it up so you just type and don't even have to hit "enter".

Ok...back to the smilies..... [Image: rock.gif]

Did someone say cookies? [Image: cookie1.gif]
The Sleeper Wrote:
Sephiroth Wrote:ICQ is Infinetly better than AIM. The only reason I rarely log onto my ICQ account now is because everyone I talk to uses AIM.
I don't see how one instant messenger can be infinitely better than another one. I mean, there isn't much to differentiate. I just know that ICQ requires memorizing a whole bunch of random numbers, and noone I know uses it.
I'm not up on the most recent mergers, but didn't AOL buy ICQ like 4 or 5 years ago? Why the fuck are they running them both still?

And ICQ is definately better than AIM.

hell, I use Yahoo messenger before AIM since most everyone uses Yahoo pages, and all that "who's online" crap is integrated into

AOL is for dummies, but ICQ was started in Tel Aviv, so they got that working against them.
You're welcome :crackhead:
BeckyDC Wrote:yeah it's great. Kinda reminds me of what Gooch is or might look like when he thinks he can get laid :o
not as good as my "O" face. :o

For Spit, Danked, FN, Sluggo & Maymay(?):

Zap a loo!!!

[Image: bongsmi.gif]
Why ICQ is Better Than AIM

Courtesy of <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->

When someone sends you a message, there's no new window- I can't put enough emphasis on this reason. How annoying is it to be typing and then a new window springs up or you're playing a game and AIM yanks you out of it (though they finally fixed this).

AIM's Warning is gay. No one ever uses warn to do anything but annoy friends. What's really gay is that even after you block someone, they can still warn you! WTF is up with that??

Since ICQ relies on unique numbers rather than names, you can have any nickname you want. The only downfall with this is that spammers will send a msg to random numbers. But you can easily refuse to accept msgs from people not on your list if you don't like it that much (I get one spam msg a month, woop-e-doo). "But noone wants to remember a number" Whatever- you remember jumbled mix letters and numbers as it is, plus no one just tells someone their screen name- you always write it down for them, as you do with your ICQ number.

ICQ allows more than just one kind of "away": Away for short away time, NA for extended periods, Occupied which allows people to send urgent msgs that still make a new msg sound, DND for when you're not to be disturbed, and Private which you appear to be offline to everyone (accept certain people you choose who you can see you as in Private).
I can read a new ICQ msg by just hitting Ctrl+Shift+Z (or whatever you want). So I can still get to a msg easily, but when I finish whatever I'm doing first.

Rather than playing a sound every person that gets online, I can choose to only hear a sound for certain people.

The maximum size of an ICQ msg is 30,720 characters, opposed to AIM's 1,024.

ICQ keeps a history of every msg I send and receive. This is extremely useful since at college I forget whotf someone is or what I asked them them last night. And if you're so concerned with someone reading your history, you can always delete parts or all of it.

Inside someone's info you can make notes that only you can see, again extremely useful when you have 30 or so new people that you only talk to rarely.
Along with the Notes section, you can actually change what their name is in your Contact List. So rather than seeing "oNeCooLDuDe" I can put "Fag Cherry Picker Who Leeches" which reminds me that he is a man-kissing type-killer who leeches warez from me.

ICQ let's me send one msg to mutiple people on my Contact List.

I can send files DIRECTLY to people. While AIM finally added file transfering, they still fucked it up. Rather then sending from Me -> You, AIM sends the file from Me -> AOL -> You. Which makes the transfering nice and slow.

When you click on a web address in AIM, AIM automatically opens the URL in the current browser window, so most of the time I end up switching to Netscape, opening a new window, switching back to AIM, and then clicking on the link. ICQ gives you the *gasp* option to open it up in a new window or current window.

ICQ doesn't automatically take me off away when if I send a msg to someone while away.

I can easily send someone my Contacts. Instead of having to type ten or twenty people's screen names, I can just select their names and send them to someone.

ICQ doesn't have ad banners.

Edited By Keyser Soze on Mar. 05 2002 at 1:13
LunaBabe Wrote:For Spit, Danked, FN, Sluggo & Maymay(?):

Zap a loo!!!

[Image: bongsmi.gif]
ahem :fuggin: :crackhead:
Why does the work new show up in red? Did it do it all the time & I just noticed today, I've seen it like 3 places today...
crx girl Wrote:
LunaBabe Wrote:For Spit, Danked, FN, Sluggo & Maymay(?):

Zap a loo!!!

[Image: bongsmi.gif]
ahem :fuggin: :crackhead:
OMG!!!! I am so sorry CRX & Ladi....I forgot you guys are stoners, too.
:::Hangs head in shame:::'s may have your very own Peace Bongs (sorta like a peace pipe) k?

For CRX------>[Image: bongsmi.gif]

For Ladi------>[Image: bongsmi.gif]
i [Image: bongsmi.gif] and i was like weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee :fuggin: :fuggin: :fuggin:
I present to you the ICQ Shocked Smilie: :lol:

<center>[Image: icq_smilie.jpg]</center>
I hearby announce my (un)holy crusade to get everyone on CDIH to use ICQ by the end of the month.

*Note- I am just posting this, I dont have any intention of following thru.
I use Yahoo Messenger becuase it shows up easy on Yahoo fantasy sports leagues to make trades.

I never had AIM installed until the FMJ thing happened, and I had to get into "serious" and private discussions about my future on the board. And right now the only thing that I use it for is the two boards.

I have all three installed, but I thought the rest of the world stopped using ICQ
i'm too lazy to get icq and start working another program.i already use aim, because thats what most people are on, and yahoo, because it tells me when i get mail and i have a list of bookmarks that i can use on any computer.but what is the real, major, IMPORTANT, reason why icq would improve anything at all?
Angel I just noticed today that the halo moves up and down.
Hey Ladi Wrote:Angel I just noticed today that the halo moves up and down.
I have one of those over my head.
Hey Ladi Wrote:Angel I just noticed today that the halo moves up and down.
Maynard Wrote:status...

1 cup white sugar
2 tablespoons all-purpose flour
3 tablespoons cornstarch
1/4 teaspoon salt
1 1/2 cups water
2 lemons, juiced and zested
2 tablespoons butter
4 egg yolks, beaten
1 (9 inch) pie crust, baked
4 egg whites
6 tablespoons white sugar

1 Preheat oven to 350 degrees F (175 degrees C).
2 To Make Lemon Filling: In a medium saucepan, whisk together 1 cup sugar, flour, cornstarch, and salt. Stir in water, lemon juice and lemon zest. Cook over medium-high heat, stirring frequently, until mixture comes to a boil. Stir in butter. Place egg yolks in a small bowl and gradually whisk in 1/2 cup of hot sugar mixture. Whisk egg yolk mixture back into remaining sugar mixture. Bring to a boil and continue to cook while stirring constantly until thick. Remove from heat. Pour filling into baked pastry shell.
3 To Make Meringue: In a large glass or metal bowl, whip egg whites until foamy. Add sugar gradually, and continue to whip until stiff peaks form. Spread meringue over pie, sealing the edges at the crust.
4 Bake in preheated oven for 10 minutes, or until meringue is golden brown.
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