Full Version: HEY ARPIFACE!!!
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I challenge you to a book reading contest
ok, not really
WHEW!!! i thought i was gonna have to back up my boasts.
and i thought i was gonna have to actually read a book, phew
let us never speak of this again
I won't let my emotions get the best of me like this anymore
i am walking away from this now and will not be looking back
You guys should thumbwrestle or something at least. I was all geared up for some sort of showdown.
hey ! i just got here. did i miss anything?
yea, i heard someone was gonna have some sort of contest, certainly nothing to do with reading books or anything. so who brought the milk duds and such?
i eagerly await whoever is going to spar in this forum. anyone know who it is?
whoever it is, i bet it will be a hearty duel
for certain! i do heartily enjoy it when two valiant men of breeding compete in a gallant match of wits.
You people are insane.
it is indeed a pleasure to view such an exciting tete-a-tete
are you speaking of the brave combatants to be or are you referring to the spectators of this festive duel?

Edited By Arpikarhu on 1058407579
I await the libations and hou'r-derves that shall be served. time to loosen the old belt buckle!
i can't wait for the ne'er doer in this brew-ha-ha to get what he deserves
forsooth! i am sure he is a rapscallion and shall receive his most well deserved come-uppance.
aye ee's a scoundrel ee is

Edited By The Sleeper on 1058409094
Pages: 1 2 3