Full Version: The All Star Game - How would you run it?
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Do you approve of the new format of the All Star Game determining home field advantage in the World Series?

Do you think the fans should still be allowed to vote?

Did you enjoy this years game?

I think its more accurate to give home field advantage to the team with the best overall record. They earned it. However if you're going to use the All Star Game to determine home field then you have to take away the fans right to vote and put the best team out on the field. You can't have it both ways.

I think the game was a bit more competitive this year, but inorder for it to really "count", they must eliminate the need for one player from every team to be represented. Did we really need a player to represent Detroit or the Mets? I think it's a bit hypocritical to tell the players that it "counts", yet restrict their ability to vote based on the fact that the marketing for the game will be better because every team is required to have at least one player represented.

I also enjoyed the fact that the players got to vote on the reserves this year, this made sure that the managers couldn't stack the teams with their own players, which became blatently obvious when the Torre put about 8 yankees on the reserve list a few years back.
Torre also did a horrendous job of managing that team into a tie, with no players left.
I heard the main reason it is not given to best record is because every team plays an unbalanced schedule so it is not fair.
Base it on shared opponents.
what if their are no shared opponents. Take the 2 top teams in Seattle and Atlanta. Who would you give home field too. In interleague they played different divisions.
Knife fight.

Seriously, how about whichever league had more wins overall in interleague play that season?
Are you going to take any home field advantage these teams may have had in these interleague games into account? :8: Screwy arbitrary methods might be bad, but so's a coin toss,... devil and the deep blue sea.
No, I think the best way to decide it is the All Star game, all of the other tiebreakers are poor and meaningless when it comes down to it
Do you agree then if it should be determined by the All Star Game that the fans should no longer have the right to choose the teams?
no, because it's always been about the fans. Maybe the fans should have the choice to choose the reserves, then the players should pick the starters. I don't think any of the players would have voted Matsui to start in center when there were a few other people who really deserved to be there but did not have the millions of people in japan voting for them.
im a fan and i dont think the majority of fans are knowledgable enough to choose the best team. most of them are complete morons or will just pick players from their own team, no matter how horrible they are.
fuck unbalanced schedule bullshit. best record gets home field advantage. if some national league team loses the series in the seventh game because some rookie on a last place team hit a home run in july then it is a fucking travesty!
Quote:if some national league team loses the series in the seventh game because some rookie on a last place team hit a home run in july then it is a fucking travesty!
you can't blame a team's loss solely on home field advantage
I don't see why home field can't be decided by a coin flip. Every other option is arbitrary as well, but at least this way no one can complain.
... All Star teams should not be voted by fans at all... All Star Game should not decide advantage... Interleague series might be a viable option if it wasn't mandatory that teams like the Yankees have to beat up teams like the Mets every season just because they play in the same town.... home field advantage is bullshit anyway...
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