Full Version: My AIM Conversation with Keyser - Regarding the "Booty Call" situation
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I still think it's funny, oh and DIG, i'd nominate that for best line ever so don't worry
Keyser why do you continue to justify your actions, by attacking me?

I said that "the line" was arbitrary. Everyone must decide on their own how hard they are willing to hit someone. I was just saying that to my thinking, what you did was a little too cruel. Other people here are giving you high fives. so don't sweat a creepy old man's opinion.
I didn't realize you were so old. It is kind of skeevy. I always new Arpi was one of them, but not you.
I'm only 38......
so it's not quite so skeevy.
Quote:That was a good chuckle. Let's destroy someone else now.

your turn. i think i'm done, the aftermath is too exhausting.
so did you start a thread in BTS bragging to Arpi that you finally ran someone off the board?
remember when I made shut down?
YOU will always be "that other guy" in my heart.
I predicted this over 2 days ago, galt and keyser "running her off the board" that is.
Velociti Wrote:I predicted this over 2 days ago, galt and keyser "running her off the board" that is.

And don't lump me in with Dice Soze. Aside from when I was calling her names, I was never anything but nice to her.
i'm in elite company now.

arpi is busy playing den mother in ES.
here, 7 posts down. and It wasnt 2 days ago as I had originally said, but still before keyser posted the im
you didnt mention me.
ok maybe it wasn't so prophetic, but still interesting
not really. I had nothing to do with this. I was one of the few on her side.
to say i bash her relentlessly is bullshit and an attempt by that piece of shit keyser to rationalize his own actions.
one day i went at her and that is it. and i certainly duid nothing to betray her trust, unlike dogshit boy.
to compare calling someone a few names to what that scumbag did is a crock and a poor attempt to rationalize a detestable act.
too also think that i am posting on this matter merely to create drama is also a lie and an attempt by dogshit boy to rationalize his own internal guilt on the matter regardless of what lame quips he says to the contrary.
i spoke with "suzie" today and while she blames herself for getting so drunk that she wrote those things , she is also humiliated beyond belief. I hope that dogshit boy had fun with his "comedy gold", it only goes to prove what a pathetic lame excuse for a person he is.
Quote:SoupSoupAD: you dont know these people and you never want to meet them

NycJpc: That's true. I don't and won't.

a single tear just ran down my cheek.
GonzoStyle Wrote:
Quote:SoupSoupAD: you dont know these people and you never want to meet them

NycJpc: That's true. I don't and won't.

a single tear just ran down my cheek.
and hes from boston too. he would have loved all of the amos and andy humor. mores the pity.
Arpikarhu Wrote:to say i bash her relentlessly is bullshit and an attempt by that piece of shit keyser to rationalize his own actions.
one day i went at her and that is it. and i certainly duid nothing to betray her trust, unlike dogshit boy.
to compare calling someone a few names to what that scumbag did is a crock and a poor attempt to rationalize a detestable act.
too also think that i am posting on this matter merely to create drama is also a lie and an attempt by dogshit boy to rationalize his own internal guilt on the matter regardless of what lame quips he says to the contrary.
i spoke with "suzie" today and while she blames herself for getting so drunk that she wrote those things , she is also humiliated beyond belief. I hope that dogshit boy had fun with his "comedy gold", it only goes to prove what a pathetic lame excuse for a person he is.
it's the lowest thing since FingerBang, actually. And probably the lowest thing I've ever witnessed on the board.
Shut the fuck up fag of la mancha, go cry me another river about gaynard ripping your heart out.
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