Full Version: I miss... - Who do you miss from the past?
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Pages: 1 2 3
If this was the golden age you coulda said

"Hey n00b why didn't you do a fuckin search before you posted this you fuckin tool!!!"

good old days, eh?
Isn't this the part where faceman comes in and tells us to stop defiling the thread?
then wbk comes in and says

"hey faceman clean up in aisle 3!!!"
Quote:If this was the golden age you coulda said

If this was the golden age I wouldn't be posting

....uhh, wait a minute
how true...
faceman/grocery store references = always funny.
I miss Rotten Vinny.
bloody anus, good times!!
goatweed Wrote:Cacasmooches?
who is, someone who is probably doing time for date rape.

I'll continue with the category for 400, alex.
Pages: 1 2 3