Full Version: Enough with the drama!!!!
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I am sick and tired of certain people "modding off" I am tired of people delegating board policy after being here for 2 weeks. I can not stand anymore "hey shouldn't this be in off topic" replies.

The main thing i am sick of is the constant unwarranted bashing. There was a certain newbie that signed up and did a hello post. Now granted hello posts are frowned upon but a mod will take care of it. If a post is posted out of forum a mod will move it. I am on the board on and off almost the whole afternoon and late nights and there is always a couple mods on the board at all times.

Why are people not posting? maybe cause some of you assholes are making people too scared to post. People live in fear around here to post for the simple fact that they will get torn by a band of misfits who feel they have been deputied like sheriffs.

Certain people deserve it but thats after they do several annoying posts like knock, andykoom, nitemare and others did.

How simple is it to steer a person in the right way if they post something wrong with their 1st or 2nd post? If you bash him/her they don't learn what they did wrong and they will stop posting or continue to be ass f's. If you want to help then help, don't add to the problem.

Continue to post and have fun and leave board policy to the administrators and mods, that is why we are here. But don't scare people away from posting or the board itself. We were all newbies and we all did stupid shit as newbies. not one of us here can say we were perfect newbies. Even i was a tool when i first joined but when i joined way back when, i was helped not tooled and look how good a member i am..... ok bad example but trust me it works.

Now come on guys and girls please help out and try not to mod off, and try to help the newbies not bash them. But any ass f's please feel free to bury them.
... shouldnt this be in The Pit?
fuck you mod fag!
I see someone is using my archives.
For that to be golden age worthy, it needs to be about twice as long.
IrishAlkey Wrote:I see someone is using my archives.

"my" archives? sorry suzie.

My posts!!
TSK TSK. Rolleyes
k1dafr1ka woulda had an uber great post in das golden age.
You couldn't mod your way out of a wet paper bag. You run around here trying to intimidate people with threats of banning and then you run and hide like the little bitch you are when someone steps up to the plate to fight back. People wouldn't tell you how to mod if you did your FUCKING JOB!!! Stop flexing your non-existent mod muscles little man, and do some real good for this board.

PS - VG just posted in OT, you better go follow her... - Kid Afrika - Circa 2000
It was golden age and a great post till the VG stuff, I never followed her around.... Undecided
That entire post was a throwback to the OPAK days, you egotistical prick. :21:
Damn I was gonna say "you think i'm opak" but I didn't wanna think even you'd ever insult me like that. :4:
Follouat. :rofl:
>) shh don't say his name, he'll get off the phone with IP and quote every sentence of your post and use it against you, then when you get him on his own shit he'll ban you.
D00d, you totally have to say his name three times to make him appear...

wow, I forgot all about these "lets play nice" threads from back in the day - good times! :thumbs-up:
yea stop being ass F's guyzz!!!
goatweed, stay in character!
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