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SLASH returns and bans me for hotlinking tampons.
you shoulda put "do not defile this thread"

cause I am hijacking it!!!!!

ok so.....

shut up pimp_hand

CrankyAss wrote:

Hey Slash,

Let me get this straight. Hotlinking pictures, which leeches bandwidth, is not okay and is punishable by strikes but trading stolen passwords, which also leeches bandwidth and takes income away from the webmaster, is fine.

Follow that logic.

I was gonna send Keith the pass, and then I realized the hypocracy going on here.

If you're gonna play meter maid, at least be consistant.

Questioning board policy. Bannable offense.


CrankyAss wrote:

Can I get a OBA card to use for future strikes?

No strikes for 'friend of show' Keith the Cop tho, even if he is not only soliciting stolen passwords but created a new thread devoted to it, god forbid someone hotlinks a picture.

Should I post a new thread saying AL GORE PIC HOTLINKED FROM YAHOO HERE. Is that the proper protocol so I don't get a strike or do I have to be a friend of the show to have immunity?

Continued to contest board policy. Bannable offense.


Froy wrote:

Cranky, do us all a favor and quit your whining for once. Keith asked me if he could post the thread, and I let him. Keith is a friend of the show and a friend of this board, when you do something worthwhile then you can have leeway also.


CrankyAss wrote:


Let me get this straight, its okay to solicit for stolen password but don't post them here? Okay, just wanted to make sure I don't break any more rules around since we know they are sooooooooo consistanly enforced.

Fucking hypocrates.

Hey I called the show once, does that make me a friend of the show?

Tell ya what, you contact Yahoo and Proctor & Gamble and i'll contact BangBus and lets see who actually gives a shit. What do you say?

Childish? Yeah, about as childish as handing out strikes for hotlinking a fucking picture.


Questioned board policy for the third time in the same thread AFTER Froy told you to shut up. Call that three bannable offenses in the same thread.

Add that to the deal we made, plus hotlinking a sig pic, then hotlinking another sig pic after you knew what you were doing caused strikes to get banned.

There is no way in hell you can now say that you were banned for personal reasons. This is your fourth banning in as little as 4 names. You are now the equivalent of Mavric on the message board. Do not bother sending an appeal to You were on borrowed time since you were allowed to come back by me and a former moderator, and all you did was push to get banned again.

Now you can tell Mommie that you have succeeded in what ya set out to do.

See Ya!
I used to hotlink pics all the time. Luckily, I was forgettable.
froy was such a following ahole
Froy hated me, and I loved it.