Full Version: Pros and Cons list - do they work?
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so i need to make a huge desicsion in my life, i can't make up my mind like a normal human so i have come down to that final straw of making a list.
Posting it here was a con.
Glad we could help. :-D
Flip a coin.
heads you lose, tails other person wins
post the list.
or he'll post it for you
Velociti Wrote:gay
posting on a message board in general is gay, so i don;'t see why that should matter?
definetly bring back the ponytail
dump her.
are you gonna post the list or what, loser posting on a message board. oh shit that makes me a loser too. well, the list spanky, lets get with the posting of it.
why does he need to post the list? he's asking if you think making a list when you have a decision to make is a worthwile thing to do. what his decision is about is none of your business.
don't bother trish, look who your talking to.
i realize that this board is not a place to ask an actual question, so lets just talk about some stupid thing or another and act like i never actually asked a question expecting a responce from adults
what fun would that be?
Are you actually using a messageboard to help you make important decisions in your life? Do you not have any friends or family?
post it on, i'm sure fhore twentee and ninny will answer your question like adults
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