Full Version: A Price on Taking it in the Ass?
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so alkey is looking for a date?
i wouldnt put it past him.
i think roses would be a start
start by taking me out to dinner and a movie.
hmmm :13:
trow a burger down yer throat and rent a porn?
Quote:i think roses would be a start
That reminds me of a little story...

A man goes to the proctologist, complaining of pains in his ass. Doc says "ok let's have a look" and the man assumes the position. He straps on his gloves and begins the examination, and immediately pulls a rose out of the patient's ass.

"Wow, I can see why you were in pain."

"Yeah, in hindsight, I should've used carnations."

The doctor shrugs, and resumes his inspection. He discovers a second rose, then a third, and so on, until a dozen long stem roses have been successfully removed from his patient's ass. He says, "I may be overstepping my bounds as a physician, but I have to ask, what were you doing with a dozen roses in your ass?"

The patient turns his head, he smiles and says, "I guess you haven't found the card I wrote you."

Ok yeah, that sucked...
Quote:hmmm :13:

i doubt the card smellz like roses
You can get paid for that??? I've been duped.
Do you get duped often?
How much is a house in Maui? And specify "often"?
Often: do you do anal?
Once doesn't make it often. You of all people should support that theory.
Couple of more times, and then it'd be a little easier, tight ass. :thumbs-up:
Thank you for sharing that. Good luck with him.
ahh, jealousy will get you nowhere. Keyser is just a sex object. He's doesn't mean anything to me.
I don't do sloppy seconds. Whore.
Actually, you'd be thirds. Know your place. :10:
who is this whore?
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