Full Version: this is pathetic
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no one cares about wrestling besides jack and he's an easily amused hick, so change or get rid of this forum already
I care about wrestling, but it's been pretty shitty.
Merge this forum with sports and eliminate it.
But wresting isn't really a sport.

It's entertainment.
Oh fuck it. Let's just eliminate all the forums.

While your at it, hook this place up to mind control so I don't have to use my hands.. or my computer.
If we hook it up to your mind, then the load time would take forever. :17:
wouldn't it slow down even more the more stoned you got?
no it would just be hungry and laugh alot
Oh... ok.. thanks.
wrestling has gotten to this.....Chris Benoit wrestling Doink the clown. Need I say more? :17:
x-file, the Golden Age called, they want your sig back
I like this forum. It used to kee the worst posters confined to one forum. Now it just keeps the worst topics here.
its better than a red X
no it isnt
yes it is....
There hasn't been any good shit going on in wrestling lately to make it worth posting. But I near shit myself when I read that Doink came back. Could the Gobbeldygooker be far behind??
doink came back? when? on smackdown? i usually watch raw cuz it's funnier!
sleeper, you're a mod now. you need to be able to make executive decisions like what to do with this forum.

so shit or get off the pot.
if he gets off the pot, he'll be in his shower.