Full Version: What's your favorite source for porn
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Quote:<font color=white>Why email them to me, when you can just transfer them via AIM?
<font color=white>TOG!</font>
SLASH Wrote:Why email them to me, when you can just transfer them via AIM?
Yes, just send the file to [email protected] and Slash will read it.

(Let's see how many people get that joke.)
Quote:(Let's see how many people get that joke.)

I bow to your Iron Clad, my friend :thumbs -up:

<font color=white>Like "I" would ever pass up the opportunity for one of my ol', beat ta death, tired, fuckin' gags?...pffft! Just ask Sleeper, I believe he is presently using a java counter to keep track, lol

Edited By SLASH on Mar. 06 2002 at 6:24
SLASH Wrote:
Quote:Collingswood Flea Market is a good source for porn

That wouldn't happen to be the one where 33/34 intersect, would it?
Why yes, sLASH thats the one.But why do I have the feeling you have something to say about that... i know there is something.. I think it might be that it is Collingwood not Collingswood.. but I could be wrong.Normaly I am. :bouncer:
Sephiroth Wrote:
SLASH Wrote:Why email them to me, when you can just transfer them via AIM?
Yes, just send the file to [email protected] and Slash will read it.

(Let's see how many people get that joke.)

But we all know that that you just want the dog pr0n all to yourself.
Sephiroth Wrote:
SLASH Wrote:Why email them to me, when you can just transfer them via AIM?
Yes, just send the file to [email protected] and Slash will read it.

(Let's see how many people get that joke.)
and if that doesn't work you can always cc it to [email protected] :bouncer:
SLASH Wrote:<font color=white>Like "I" would ever pass up the opportunity for one of my ol', beat ta death, tired, fuckin' gags?...pffft! Just ask Sleeper, I believe he is presently using a java counter to keep track, lol
<font color="white">I tried, but my Java counter exploded after the 44,582nd time you said you will be "soooo" at the next party</font>
The Sleeper Wrote:
SLASH Wrote:<font color=white>Like "I" would ever pass up the opportunity for one of my ol', beat ta death, tired, fuckin' gags?...pffft! Just ask Sleeper, I believe he is presently using a java counter to keep track, lol
<font color="white">I tried, but my Java counter exploded after the 44,582nd time you said you will be "soooo" at the next party</font>

Quote:and if that doesn't work you can always cc it to [email protected] :bouncer:

That would be @hotmail. Close, limey cunt, but no cigar.
My favorite source for porn is the secret chat thread.

<font color="#FFFFFF">See, my dirty little secret is that I actually enjoy some chat threads.</font>
Say it isn't so!
You were the only constant in my life!
Oh...Wait...I forgot...
There's still Mayturd...
Quote:That would be @hotmail. Close, limey cunt, but no cigar.
bah :fuckoff:
Quote:Why yes, sLASH thats the one.But why do I have the feeling you have something to say about that... i know there is something.. I think it might be that it is Collingwood not Collingswood.. but I could be wrong.Normaly I am. :bouncer:

Is all of that mess of a post for me, or just the first half?

Assuming that it is the latter meaning the first half, not latter meaning the last half -- with me still? Good. Ok, are you saying that my normal M.O. is to set people up and knock them down. I am truely hurt that you feel that way. :bouncer:
Slash...Slash is my source of porn :roflmao:
My vote goes for the 'net. If you have broadband, there is no reason you should be paying for porn (tapes, mags, etc.). The only exception would be for DVD-porn. Multi-angle shots are worth dropping a few bills down.
Quote:I've written some, it's weird to get writer's block though.

Can you start a new thread and post some examples. Please?
:fucking: Confusedpits: :blow:
SLASH Wrote:
Quote:and if that doesn't work you can always cc it to [email protected] :bouncer:

That would be @hotmail. Close, limey cunt, but no cigar.
Pfft...sLASH is sooooo not the l33t HaX0r he couldn't even get into my email...i've yet to recieve an email from myself :lol:
virgingrrl Wrote:Slash...Slash is my source of porn :roflmao:
Are you still diddling yourself to Tiffany? :bouncer:

CLS, I would hack your hotmail account, but hotmail isn't even a challenge. Everyone can hack hotmail, heh
SLASH Wrote:Is all of that mess of a post for me, or just the first half?

Assuming that it is the latter meaning the first half, not latter meaning the last half -- with me still? Good. Ok, are you saying that my normal M.O. is to set people up and knock them down. I am truely hurt that you feel that way. :bouncer:
Oh comeon sLASH , you know I love you, lets meet at the Bath house on North Bangs road in Asbury, I will make it up to you. :fucking:
If you keep up with the <font color=red>s</font>LASH, Sleeper will cite you on TOG violation Part 2:-;, Verse III; Chapter 4our-;,
Jackson Five;-, Nikki Sixx.

I would really hate to see that happen.<font color=#EEEEEE>

Edited By SLASH on Mar. 07 2002 at 2:24
SLASH Wrote:If you keep up with the <font color=red>s</font>LASH, Sleeper will cite you on TOG violation Part 2:-;, Verse III; Chapter 4our-;,
Jackson Five;-, Nikki Sixx.
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