Full Version: Your Favorite Bands - shamelessly stolen from YMB
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Just some of the obscure ones so I'll seems cool too..

Dead Milkmen
Stevie Ray Vaughn
David Allan Coe
Johnny Horton
Johnny Rebel
Roger Miller
david allen coe is fantastic
Blind Melon
Steelers Wheel
Mad Season
Izzy Stradlin & The Ju Ju Hounds (Shuffle It All)
Tragically Hip.
Hybrid, I truly respected your choices as cutting edge and special, until I got to Andrew WK. It's like I don't even know you any more.
Andrew WK almost made my list too.
Mr. Bungle
Dance Hall Crashers
Beastie Boys
Guns n Roses
Def Leppard
Atoms Family
Mighty Mighty Bosstones
The Band
Nine Inch Nails
The Specials
The Beatles
Prince and the Revolution
Four Seasons
<span style='font-size:17pt;line-height:100%'>MMMMERRRRZZZBOo</span>
Jay, you like some pretty cool bands, why Z100???
Wormface Wrote:<span style='font-size:17pt;line-height:100%'>MMMMERRRRZZZBOo</span>
do you have his 51 cd set?
Quote:Jay, you like some pretty cool bands, why Z100???

Because I have an extremely wide taste in music. It is a blessing from God that I am able to derive pleasure from such variety of music, instead of narrowly setting my mind to one particular genre and shunning the rest as being "crap". I feel sorrow for those people.
Quote:Hybrid, I truly respected your choices as cutting edge and special, until I got to Andrew WK. It's like I don't even know you any more.


Andrew WK should create his own religion
... I enjoy that song "She is Beautiful", especially when they get to the part where he goes "I AIN'T GOT NUTTING TO LOSE!"
its not really a choice. its a physical feeling of douche chills i get when I hear Paul "Cubby" Bryant's really gay voice and delivery.
you sure enjoy using the word gay to describe what you dislike...
its because i secretly love the cock.
...nah, I don't think thats true. You're not gay. I believe that, deep down inside, you're really just a horrible human being.
WK is the man.
Right now...

Andew WK is late for kazoo lessons.
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