Full Version: So how about that weather hmmmm??
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its not raining now :thumbs-up:
HedCold Wrote:its not raining now :thumbs-up:
wait 5 minutes.
As soon as i stepped off the bus before it started raining.
Good thing i had my umbrella with me today
I can tell when it will rain cause my head starts to hurt
I don't mind the sudden rain this week. I love the suspense when the first few fat drops of rain start to fall and I have to run for cover before it just starts to pour.
I havent had to water the lawn at all this week! :banana:
... I'm surprised your lawn hasn't eroded yet...
rain is good for the soul.

too bad i have none. :-(
Quote:... I'm surprised your lawn hasn't eroded yet...

you leave my lawn alone!!!
It's August and it's hot. Wow.
it's really not that hot. it's the humidity that'll kill ya.
All this humdity is making me sweat? I would have never guessed it. I might have been wrong about this whole weather thing. It's really quite enlightening.
There's also alot of moisture in the atmosphere.
diceisgod Wrote:All this humdity is making me sweat? I would have never guessed it. I might have been wrong about this whole weather thing. It's really quite enlightening.
actually no. the heat makes you sweat. but the humidity prevents the sweat from evaporating, which is what cools you off
who do you think you are Storm Field?
The wonders never cease
It's hot again.
it's not too bad.
i played 4 games of vollyball today, fucking pussies.
at the shore with your pals?
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