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Hoon is so Ken, it's Keen.
I start good threads...

I bet we never hear Hoon talk while Ken is drinking water
this is jacks most successful thread ever.

might I direct your attention to the New Forum Contest thread?
Hey man, even a broken clock is right twice a day
i already won that. :21:
Gooch Wrote:i already won that. :21:
Hey, if I didn't have a job, maybe I'd have the free time to enter a submission too
OUCH...that hurt, man.

i work till end of the month! :5:
Sorry man, just trying to keep you did walk right into it though
I'd love it if you walked backwards into my cock.
how's dice (danked's sister) doing?
She got here, disrobed and immediately put her mouth on my penis.
Why did she kiss your baseball?
Gooch Wrote:Hoon is so Ken, it's Keen.
I've been accused of being Ken in disguise before.

It's nothing new.
Though I will say I consider Ken one of my friends.

I am however, a whole nother entity.

I believe Jack can attest to that.
Well that was yummy. Now let me give my big brother a nice kiss on the yapper.
I love you, baby.
mmmmm peanut butter
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