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.....Weren't you just making fun of Apri in another thread for calling people 'stupid'?

uhm, the kettle called.......
No, I wasn't.
You're gonna' set a record for being wrong the most consecutive times in one thread.
I think he already did - lemme check the books.
he's almost there - oooh, so close!!
No, No...

You've beaten me in Jack's thread.
You know, the one where you repeatedly claim 'the chick on the left' was fornicating with you.
I'm sorry for lying about having sex with that woman.
this thread is funny
The 'chick on the left' isn't just any woman..
She will one day be the recipient of my child support checks.
you my friend are a genius. :4:
Thank you..

I've spent long hard hours studying the philosphies of Yoda & L. Ron Hubbard.
I have achieved....'chee'.
Quote:I've spent long hard hours studying the philosphies of Yoda & L. Ron Hubbard.

so you rented Star Wars and Battlefield Earth?
And watched them simultaneously while downing handfulls of Ginko Buloba.

Fuck 'The Wall' on weed, man!
Hoon Wrote:The 'chick on the left' isn't just any woman..
She will one day be the recipient of my child support checks.
I'll tell her to keep an eye out for a check in the mail.
I'm goign to drive to Hoboken and take you, Alkey to a ball game.
I have a feeling we'd make great friends.

Besides, after we're done we can run a train on 'The Chick On The Left'
Her name is Wynona.

Show some respect.
Can I call her 'Wino' as a pet name?
I'll ask her tonight right before she swallows.
That's a nervous tick.

It's a tell tale sign of guilt that she's had another, bigger penis in her recently.

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