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The Jays Wrote:
Quote:this thread is the worst attempt at humor EVER

IrishAlkey Wrote:I blame Goat for all of this.
because I replied to him :9:
Let me guess...

Alkey is the melodramatic one you all fall in line with when he cries.
No, Alkey is the funny one. Arpi was the Drama Queen.

We just all happen to agree on this particular subject.
If everyone is going to keep claiming that Alkey is funny...

I am soon going to request proof.
How many Hoon's does it take to suck the humor out of a message board?

.............I'm waiting for you to unload your humor arsenal on me.

You know, the dreaded.."I know you are but what am I"?
Die. my hand
I creep across the land..
killing first born men.

I love that tune too, dude!
That off Side B of the Blind Melon album?
No, fool.
Side B of 'Ride The Lightning'

Uhm, That's a Metallica tune.
You know, the band who's case is holding your 'Aqua' cd to avoid ridicule.
When I find out who Aqua is, I'll be sure to respond with an equal, yet retardedly obscure, insult.
'Aqua'....."I'm a Barbie Girl, In A Barbie World"??????

How can we 'converse' when your interraction skills are limited
to Nick At Night and scrambled cable channels?
You are officially a flaming homosexual.
The only man I would stick my penis you.
Just to see you whince and tear up.
I'd rather watch Gigli than fuck you.
You wouldn't have a choice.

See, I'm also physically superior to you.
How much longer will you be here?
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