Full Version: 6 people logged in and yet - almost 4 hours since anyone posted
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what gives? :fart:
now it's 8, and 2 of you have looked at this. :7:
I tried posting last night and wasn't too successful.
Sorry. I'm busy packing cause I'm going away tommorrow.
Hey, I just now logged in, and I'm posting!
Good. So now that she left we can talk about her behind her back.
Undecided I can't think of any good names to call her that haven't been played out.
How about "limey cunt"

Oh wait...
too many people sit and wait to reply to posts - they should start initiating threads (except for Wormface, whom I'm not sure should be replying to any either - heh)
this thread sucks!!!
it didn't work for him when he said it 50 times a day, I don't think you're gonna have much success with it either.

I'm sure he'd be honored to know that you're "keeping the flame alive" for him though.
just doing my part!
Goatweed Wrote:too many people sit and wait to reply to posts - they should start initiating threads (except for Wormface, whom I'm not sure should be replying to any either - heh)
the more wormface posts, the better
the suicide thread was good, I'll give him/her that.
damn, i forgot to ban keyser from posting in my threads, and then my dial up cut off so i said fuckit,. and i just got back now, how sad...