Full Version: swimming in the east river
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I work on Ave C so i have a really nice view of the east river. Right now there's some guy out there swimming between 2 kayaks (sp?). I heard he was doing it for charity or something
couldn't he just make a sign and stand outside a burger king or something?
maybe he has a back problem
so I should swim in the East River? Isn't it dirty though?
its proably kramer
Goatweed Wrote:so I should swim in the East River? Isn't it dirty though?
so you smell a little, wuss
I don't like to smell bad - and I think the water might make me a little sick...
you think it'll make you sick?

you'll never know unless you find out
can't be any worse than the jersey shore.

i have to admit i thought this thread was about the mafia before i opened it.
I've never been in the water at the shore. Been on the beach hundreds of times, but never in the water.
its all the hair grease from the guidos swimming around in it after a night at djais.
now I'll definitely avoid the water at the shore :crackhead:
are you sure that wasnt just a body floating out there in the east river?
the jersey shore isn't too terrible, except for wildwood.
Keyser Soze Wrote:are you sure that wasnt just a body floating out there in the east river?
99 percent sure