Full Version: I forgot how funny.... - and amazing...
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Hybrid's OA.Com sigs were!! Some of them are, dare I say...pure genius!
that they were. all grainy and awful made with some photo program that came with my old computer. cezanne font ownzzzzzz Confusedigh:
the Crikey Guy was one of my faves - he wasn't animated or anything, but his expression is priceless!
i found them on ymb and hotlinked them for use on our front page. i rule.
where's the one that says "my anus is bleeding" i love that one
Keyser Soze Wrote:i found them on ymb and hotlinked them for use on our front page. i rule.
I hope you cleared that with ymb management!!!!!
they're hotlinking sigs from every member that ever posted on, you think they cleared all of them.

i suppose i should have cleared it with hybrid first, hybrid do you mind?
Zim is awesome too!
yay i finally saw it
Why is this not about me?
because we didn't forget how funny you are :loveya:
and amazing!
heh - there it is again
I think he's cheating. I don't remember half of these sigs!
I do.
a lot of them are new to me. you must not be smoking enough goaty
ain't it the truth :-(

there are a few that I was like "hmm, that's different", but most I definitely remember.
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